
September 2022


Bachelor thesis


Design Concept

Created by

Max Grochowiak

Programs used

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe After Effects

My bachelor thesis is explores how the mechanics of a travel blog can be optimized for mobile devices. Online services that allow users to keep some form of travel diary already exist, many with features such as automatic photo book creation and sharing travel photos and videos. Nevertheless, a dedicated travel blog consists of more than just sharing media. A travel blog often represents a digital version of an analogue guide book, or it can take the reader on a guided tour of remote locations all from the comfort of their computer of smart device. Unfortunately, starting a travel blog can be cumbersome, it often requires creating a website and taking care of additional tasks such as domain and storage space. Hence the question: can the mechanics of a fully-fledged travel blog also work on a simple mobile format?

Single Project The following external services are integrated in the CRANE app: Apple Memoji, Spotify, Canva

Single Project Log in screen

Single Project The ability to search for travel destinations, travel bloggers or fully documented trips.

Single Project The heart of the blog is the writing of experiences during the trip. In addition, it is exciting to present topics such as costs, ratings, locations and personal opinions separately and clearly.

Single Project Make the blog a little livelier. AR Emoji can also serve as a tool for expression without a voice. Vivid profile pictures give readers a stronger impression of the person behind the blog and can thus build a stronger relationship with the blogger. If the blogger is not staying at one single location during the trip, but instead is on a road trip, readers will be interested to know where the travelers are, how they are feeling and what they are experiencing in real time.

Single Project In order to establish a personal connection between the reader and the blogger, the ability to express emotion bond is helpful, which can be conveyed, for example, through facial expressions, voice and tone of voice. Augmented reality emojis (e.g. Apple Memojis) could do this job.

Single Project The question arises, when can I document my trip? Do I document my experiences while visiting a local market in Portugal or do I make a blog entry at the end of the day at the hotel when I find the peace to do so? This should be possible in both situations. Why not write about the experiences while the experiences are still fresh? Therefore, the documentation process should be simple, uncomplicated, and above all, mobile. CRANE is the solution for this.

This animation was produced for advertising purposes on various social media channels. The focus here is on the required external services. In addition, this animation should arouse interest in the App.